This first image is from a children's book that I bought called Aquarium Fishes, it's similar to some of the books that I used on my Sainsbury's project in the first year, I like these nature photography books because I like how dated the imagery looks. I don't know why but I think there's a lot more to work with when the photography is like this, it's much more fun to manipulate than a really glossy, new book.

The next two images are from a little book of verses that I found, I thought it would be quite useful as a sketchbook because of the size - I could use it for a quick project. I really like the illustrations that are inside it as well, there is quite a mixture of imagery, all of it black and white and I want to work into it. I also want to study the verses a bit more as I think I could try and use them as well.

I picked up this book just because I thought it was a really beautiful version of the book. It's quite a small size which I like and this kind of style of book has always appealed to me. I like how it looks very classic but still quite personal.

The next find was an electrical data book from the 1940's. This immediately jumped out at me because of the nature of the book. Although I have no interest in the actual data I've always loved the way that scientific data is displayed in graphs and charts. I think it was my inner geek that made me want to buy this book so much.

This final purchase is a really thick instructional guide/course on typewriting, the binding of this stood out to me at first because the ring bound style was something that seemed quite rare on the shelf of older books. Once I flicked through it I noticed there were little notes written in pencil over some of the pages which I loved as there was such a personal feeling about it. I also like the variation of text styles throughout the book as there are samples of shorthand, hand written text, typewriter and regualar print. I think this is another really useful find and it was only £1 and it's massive!