Last Monday John phoned me up and asked me to do some illustrations for him; some snowflakes, a Christmas tree with star baubles and a male and female angel. Although I had LOADS of work to do already I said yes and stayed up until about 2am (ridiculous) trying to get them all done. The illustrations are for a flyer/Christmas card for Flannels which is quite exciting. These are screenshots of the Illustrator versions of the drawings that I did, John only ended up using the snowflakes but it's still really exciting to have my work (even if it's just a little bit) used in a piece of print for a real client. It was really lovely to be picked out to do this work and I hope John asks me to do more illustration work for him as I'm happy to do it! It's really good to have extra work and this and Teacup are nice projects to work on.

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